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See You in 2025!

March 14, 2025 2:31 pm

TEDx is an independently organized TED event that is inspired by TED’s mission to spread “ideas worth spreading”. TEDxAzadiStreet 4.0 aims to spark conversations in the community and inspire people to explore their full potential.The event is themed “Liberating Mindsets”, which encourages people to break free from the limitations of conventional thinking and embrace the boundless potential of human imagination. The event will feature a lineup of speakers sharing their groundbreaking ideas and stories of personal transformation.

Ticket Price : Rs 1200

Bank Account Details
BankAccount HolderAccount No
Bank Al BarakahOmme Habiba Mahmood0102621787013
Easy Paisa
Account HolderAccount No 
Ehtisham Akram03472944544 

TEDxAzadiStreet4.0 (Ticket Form)